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Transportation Fund

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Stanford ROTC students must travel to their respective host universities for ROTC training. Most students carpool using cars, with many upperclassmen having their own personal vehicles. Because freshmen are not allowed to have cars on campus, freshmen can carpool with the upperclassmen or use ZipCars and rideshare to get to training. See below for an approximation on routes and travel time:

The Stanford ROTC Transportation Fund, sponsored by the Office of Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC), is designed to financially assist undergraduate students participating in ROTC through Stanford’s cross-enrollment agreements with the three host universities and who are seeking financial assistance for their travel expenses. Students are allowed to use this fund for transportation costs with ZipCar, rideshare, gas, and parking costs.

Please fill out this form for quarterly reimbursement. As a part of the reimbursement process, you are required to upload supporting documentation (ex. receipts for gas, Uber/Lyft, and parking). Drivers are also required to submit proof of auto insurance each quarter in order to maintain funding eligibility. 

While OMAC tries to accommodate all requests received, carpooling as much as possible is strongly encouraged, as funds are limited and may not cover excessive amounts.

Important note: Cadets and midshipmen must limit their use of the ROTC Transportation Fund to travel solely for ROTC purposes. Cadets and midshipmen should speak with their respective ROTC branch unit staff about ROTC travel beyond the local area.