Ways To Connect
Email lists
Feel free to join these listservs. The OMAC uses these to send out emails regarding resources, events, and updates.
Please note that only staff, faculty, student, or alumni emails will be approved and be added to these listservs.
Campus-OMAC: This listserv is to advertise OMAC-related events to all staff, faculty, and students.
Student-OMAC: This listserv is to advertise OMAC-related events to students only.
ROTC Cadets: For communications and announcements pertaining to ROTC cadets, advocates, and interested community members.
Alumni Networks
Stanford Military Service Network - We are a community of Stanford-affiliates who have a military connection and assist each other and the Stanford Community. We host events and facilitate relationships for mentorship, career transitions, and business development!
GSB Military Veterans - This group is for GSB alumni and students who have or are serving in the military. The "Group Links" provides ways for members to share what they are up to. Currently, there is a member list, a group discussion board, and photo gallery. Your group can also have a blog, post documents, and additional web pages.
First-generation and/or Low-income Alumni Network - We connect, inspire, support, advocate for and celebrate all first-generation and/or low-income (FLI) alumni while cultivating substantive relationships within the Stanford community and highlighting the experiences, perspectives, and achievements of Stanford FLI alumni. Many student veterans join the military for a steady income and health and education benefits and are often the first in their families to attend college. This alumni network connects you with students who also have this shared experience and are invested in seeing others succeed and achieve.